Great Products for African-American or Black hair have only been in America a few decades.
For years we would chemically straighten for the purpose of guaranteed employment and acceptance.
Celebrating Natural Hair
Good natural hair care is not wash and go. Wearing our hair in its natural state still requires very special attention.
As one of the many African-American/Black cosmetologist, in the 70s, and 80s we used whatever we could get our hands on… and many of the products did not work for naturally curly and wavy textures.
For years Black women in movies, on TV, and on Broadway have been wearing natural hair. Natural Hair Divas…Whoopi Goldberg, Melba Moore, Alice Walker and India Arie are true examples of how to wear natural beauty!
And please note that the Afro is not the only expression of what’s natural. My years of being a Hair treatment specialist has taught me that even African-Americans know very little about how to care for our natural hair. Now that the spot light is on natural hair… let’s get started:
* First…We must use natural oils. Should you decide to use an oil… use natural oils such as vitamin E, vitamin A, Argan, almond and flax-seed oils. Look for organic and natural oils that assimilate [ Go into] the scalp and hair shaft. When you cannot eat the oil you use…it has been my practice not use it on my clients hair and scalp. What we put on our skin, even the scalp, travels into our blood stream.
* Second…We must equally hydrate inside the body [drink plenty of water] and allow plenty of moisture into our hair shafts on the outside. Most waters do not hydrate inside the body…it simply runs through you…….never getting into the cells and unable to wash away the toxic waste and fats that surround it.
So to really hydrate…you and I must make the water we drink wetter and heavier. I suggest finding organic safe water enhancers…that have no harmful chemicals…and add to your water everyday. I use FORTUNE DELIGHT made by Sunrider. I add a fill dropper of Samson’s Secret to my drink…it’s amazing… it hydrates and nourishes.
Finally, Whether you Afro it, dread it, twist it, braid it, wear it curly, or naturally straight…follow my blogs and enjoy…Let’s turn this Natural Hair evolution into a movement. I highly recommend Samson’s Secret for those looking for amazing hair.
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